Tuesday, November 10, 2009
First off let me say im SOOOOOOO sorry for neglecting you lately, but...I'M BACK! :)
I'm adding this video, because i love rihanna. She's one of my many role models...my obsession continues.
Also, watching this clip made me more eager to fulfill my dreams. I really want to be an entertainment journalist and watching Alexa Chung basically acting out my dream job made me even more eager.
I'm determined to make my dreams become a reality*
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Dame Pa' Matala & Rebel Diaz
Dame Pa' Matala!
Dame Pa' Matala (You give me..You kill it)
They a great revolutionary band from Venezuela. They gave a great performance at CUNY college. They're not mainstream yet, but they are blowing up the underground music world. The message of most of their songs is peace, which i loved. Now although i didn't understand all of their songs, I was able to decipher most of them. There songs kept the crowd on their feet with their lively rythm and crazy antics. Intsturments included the bangos, guitar, flute, and maracas* By the end of the show i became infatuated with the lead singer. {He reminded me of Gael Garcia Bernal}
Later we headed to this great Mexican restaurant called Picante in Harlem. We had dinner with the band! I loved it.
I'm trying to upload the video i shot of them, so wish me luck....
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Brutal Beating of Derrion Albert, 16
This video is really disturbing and before i could even finish it tears were streaming down my face. I really couldnt believe what I was seeing.
For those of you who dont know what this video is about, it's about a 16 year old boy named Derrion Albert who was beaten to death. This vicious act took place in Chicago. The boy was on the honor roll and said to be a good student and kid. Sources still dont know the cause of this situation. There are two stories out right now: 1) They beat him to death because he wouldn't join their gang or 2) He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. No one...i repeat, NO ONE deserves that no matter what the circumstances. I swear right now im shaking, because i still can't believe what i saw.
What I cant understand is why everybody is sitting around just watching what those stupid bastards were going to do next instead of calling the police? Why the hell were they taping it instead of calling 911? What really got me was the person recording just sayin "damn" or "oh shit" but still did NOTHING!!! When is the fcukin violence going to END!!
The part that almost made me scream in fear is when they were trying to pick him up off the ground and all you notice is his limp body. It scared me to death. OMG!!!!
I honestly cant think straight right now. If anybody watching this has any information on the people in the video please call 312-747-8272 (Chicago Police Dept.)
When I calm down and dry my eyes i'll try to write more....
Simply Me
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Just plain WRONG...smh
This is just disturbing. I couldn't even laugh when i saw this, because it was just that nasty. Parents were teaching their children (who look only 7 or 8) to dance like HOES! Now i know older teens dance like this, including myself, but thats ok because we're older. Honestly, seeing them dance like that made me reevaluate myself. It really looks like sex on the dance floor. For a mother to promote lil kids to grind on other little boys and rub up on their lil ding a lings is fcukn disgusting!
Another reason why this video is really disturbing is because i'm pretty sure a few of those kids are related and encouraging your own family member to grind against their private parts could def lead to incest. EWW
Lastly, the kids seem to really know what they're doing. The way they were goin up against the wall and poppin their lil booties. Then the boys were puttin their hands in places they shouldn't be and some of them were even thrusting their bodies like they were perfoming "doggy style".
Simply me*
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Maia Campbell's on some otha ish...
If you haven't seen it yet...here it is.
Do you guys remember the show "In the House" that she was on with LL Cool J?
Well this chick has come a long way.
I couldn't believe this was here when i saw her. Tha chick is def CRACKED out. Apparently she's been doin crystal meth HEAVY and on top of that some say she might be suffering from bi-polar disorder.
She was really pretty and i thought she was gonnna make it. After In the House she did a few small rolls yet still building her resume.
I don't know what led this girl to drugs or prostitution, but it's really sad.
After all the hype that this video was getting, her aunt enrolled her into rehab. Hopefully she stays with it and gets the help/treatment she deserves.
my new obsession*
This is one of my new favorite outfits that i got from Forever 21*
loves it!
The skirt part is what attracted my eye but once i put it on...i fell in love with the whole thing
i hope you like it too*
Simply Me
loves it!
The skirt part is what attracted my eye but once i put it on...i fell in love with the whole thing
i hope you like it too*
Simply Me
Saturday, August 29, 2009
From a HU Pirate to a RU Scarlet Knight
Yesterday marked the beginnig my journey at Rutgers University. I moved into my new dorm room. It was official; i would not be returning to Hampton University, I would no longer have a "home by the sea", and i would no longer be a Pirate. I'm really gonna miss everybody that i met there, but i will always have the memories.
I can already tell that Rutgers University is a very competitive school. Transitioning is going to be hard, not only because of the academics but also the navigation. Rutgers is HUGE campus and its gonna take me awhile to figure out the bus system here. But i can handle it. So far i love it!
I'm still in my orientation week so i dont have any real stories yet, but the updates will come.
But so far, ive made a few friends, my roommates cool, their are so many resources available, and it seems like im gonna have a great first year here.
Nothing will ever replace my first year at hampton. I will foreva b a Hamptonian at heart*
simpy me*
I can already tell that Rutgers University is a very competitive school. Transitioning is going to be hard, not only because of the academics but also the navigation. Rutgers is HUGE campus and its gonna take me awhile to figure out the bus system here. But i can handle it. So far i love it!
I'm still in my orientation week so i dont have any real stories yet, but the updates will come.
But so far, ive made a few friends, my roommates cool, their are so many resources available, and it seems like im gonna have a great first year here.
Nothing will ever replace my first year at hampton. I will foreva b a Hamptonian at heart*
simpy me*
Sick of the ignorant youth....
Last night my best friend texted me at 5:20am with some really disturbing and sad news. I knew it was gonna be something big bcuz...come on it was 5 o'clock in the morning!
Low and behold her older brother who is also a close friend of mine was held up at GUN POINT! The man stole his car and cell phone. I immediately wanted to cry but i held it in. I really dont understand what's wrong with people now a days. This is why places like irvington and newark (which i heard from the older generation used to be a nice place) gets these bad reputations, because of ignorant, stupid, dumb, low life scums who have nothing better to do with their lives than ruine someone elses.
The only thing that i was happy about was that the man didnt take his life. material things can be replaced but i life can not.
I guess i just have to keep prayin until the world changes....
simply me*
Low and behold her older brother who is also a close friend of mine was held up at GUN POINT! The man stole his car and cell phone. I immediately wanted to cry but i held it in. I really dont understand what's wrong with people now a days. This is why places like irvington and newark (which i heard from the older generation used to be a nice place) gets these bad reputations, because of ignorant, stupid, dumb, low life scums who have nothing better to do with their lives than ruine someone elses.
The only thing that i was happy about was that the man didnt take his life. material things can be replaced but i life can not.
I guess i just have to keep prayin until the world changes....
simply me*
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"ughh ma...can i talk to you?"
So last week, August 19th to be exact, I came out to my mother. I've been wanting to tell her i'm bi for awhile but it neva seemed like the right time or i just couldnt get my mouth to spit those words out. But somehow on August 19th...i did it.
Suprisingly she took it a lot better than i thought she would, probably because i knew she knew. She told me when she started wondering if i was interested in the opposite sex and she knew exactly who the person was. I guess that kinda made the conversation a lil easier knowing that she knew who it was and for how long.
But none the less it was still kinda hard. I know a few people who didnt have such an easy experience coming out to their parents and i hate that. Even though my mother doesnt really accept it, she still wasnt that judgemental or negative and i love her for that. I really have tha best mommy a girl could ask for.
Of course the conversation did get weird because she started asking a bunch of questions. She thought that each time i had told her that i was goin to my "friend's" house that we hooked up...lol. I had to explain to her that it wasnt true. Yea we did hook up sometimes but not all tha time. Lol...it wasnt always sexual. And other uncomfortable questions followed but i couldnt give her all the answers, because some stuff she just doesnt need to know about. But im glad that she asked. She was still a lil uneasy bcuz she thought that i was gonna grow up to only like girls...become a lesbian. So i told her even though theres nothing wrong with lesbians or being a lesbian...i am not one. I let her know that even though i am attracted to girls, i like guys better....always have. I am gonna get married to a man (lol) and give her some grandbabies. She let out a big sigh of relief. That kinda upset me, but it was expected from her.
I ended the conversation by telling her you shouldnt be relieved that im not gay...you should be happy for me no matter what. She then hugged me and said Morg I'll always love you no matter what but you cant be mad at me for how i feel. I looked at her and smiled....then hugged her back. :)
Im really glad to have told her. She's been hinting for me to tell her for awhile, so to finally get it off my chest was a big step.
Suprisingly she took it a lot better than i thought she would, probably because i knew she knew. She told me when she started wondering if i was interested in the opposite sex and she knew exactly who the person was. I guess that kinda made the conversation a lil easier knowing that she knew who it was and for how long.
But none the less it was still kinda hard. I know a few people who didnt have such an easy experience coming out to their parents and i hate that. Even though my mother doesnt really accept it, she still wasnt that judgemental or negative and i love her for that. I really have tha best mommy a girl could ask for.
Of course the conversation did get weird because she started asking a bunch of questions. She thought that each time i had told her that i was goin to my "friend's" house that we hooked up...lol. I had to explain to her that it wasnt true. Yea we did hook up sometimes but not all tha time. Lol...it wasnt always sexual. And other uncomfortable questions followed but i couldnt give her all the answers, because some stuff she just doesnt need to know about. But im glad that she asked. She was still a lil uneasy bcuz she thought that i was gonna grow up to only like girls...become a lesbian. So i told her even though theres nothing wrong with lesbians or being a lesbian...i am not one. I let her know that even though i am attracted to girls, i like guys better....always have. I am gonna get married to a man (lol) and give her some grandbabies. She let out a big sigh of relief. That kinda upset me, but it was expected from her.
I ended the conversation by telling her you shouldnt be relieved that im not gay...you should be happy for me no matter what. She then hugged me and said Morg I'll always love you no matter what but you cant be mad at me for how i feel. I looked at her and smiled....then hugged her back. :)
Im really glad to have told her. She's been hinting for me to tell her for awhile, so to finally get it off my chest was a big step.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
love her*
I love Chanel Iman*
She's def one of my idols. She carries herself so well and her style is ridiculous.
I love seeing new african american models. There a shortage of them unfortunately...
She's def one of my idols. She carries herself so well and her style is ridiculous.
I love seeing new african american models. There a shortage of them unfortunately...
Friday, August 14, 2009
America....land of the free? yea right

I really wish people would realize how bad words and actions can hurt. I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but when your opinion leads to hate or a hate crime, it becomes a problem. "Can't we all just get along?", People have been asking this question for centuries and we still haven't gotten it right.
We've come a long with race battles and i can say that things have drastically changed for the better. Although racism and prejudice still exists today, it isn't as bad as it was.
Now a days, societies biggest "difference" issue is gay rights.
For as long as i can remember ive always been a supporter of equal rights for everyone. No matter your race, religion, ethnic background, sexuality everyone deserves to be treated equally. But unfortunately, their are hateful people out there who think other wise. Some people have become accustomed to the gay lifestyle but when it comes to marriage people act like its the end of the world. What i never understood is why would they care?? WHY?
I was watching an episode of Kathy Griffin's Life on the D List and on this episode she was campaigning gay rights in CA. She attended a protest for Prop 8. For those of you who dont know, Prop 8 is a stupid law that was passed in CA (california of all places) which stated that same sex marriage will not be legal or recognized in the state. Smh...
Also during that episode, she went door to door asking people whethere they voted "yes" or "no" for Prop 8. For those who answered "yes", she then asked them the simple question "If gay marriage was legal, would that actually affect you in any way?" All of them said NO!
This is what really gets me angry. Gay marriage wont affect your life in any way, so why does it matter if they do it!
Everyone deserves a chance at happiness. Everyone deserves a chance to be with the one they love. When will the world realize that...
Also on that episode, Kathy informed me about an incident that i had never heard of; the case of Matthew Shepard. Matthew Shepard was a gay Wyoming college student who was tied to a fence post and beaten to DEATH! ALL BECAUSE HE WAS GAY! i immediately googled him and watched the movie. I cried and cried. It was really sad. And the worse part about it is, things like this happen every day.
This world needs a major awakening...fast.
im gonna stop now, because i could go on for days about this....
Simply me
Friday, July 31, 2009
mi primero blog*

sO im writing my first bloG and im kinda excited! (( even tho i dont really kno what to write about )).
I just finished my bowl of Wheaties and now im watching sponGebob* {{ thats right im 19 and still watch cartoons...so }}. Spongebob is one of my FAVORITE cartoons. he's just so random...like me. i could watch him for hours. Its kinda sad but nickelodeon and disney channel are two of the channels i watch the most.
But enuff about spongebob, onto a shady matter. (hehehe)
Please tell me you guys heard about the diss record Eminem put out towards Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon?!?!? When i tell you he went in, i mean he really WENT IT!! I kinda saw this coming but i didnt know he would take it so seriously. I first heard about his diss record this morning while i was gettin ready for work. I was listenin to Cipha Sounds and Rosenburg on Hot 97. Basically the Cannons were tlkn "ish", so Eminem had to shut em up.
If you've ever seen Mariah Carey's new video for 'Obsessed', you'll notice that the obsessed guy looks oddly similar to Eminem durin is 8Mile days. For those who didnt kno Mariah and Em had a lil thing for like 6months and then he cut da chick off, but something tells me someone isnt ova the other. ((STRIKE 1)). Then Nick went runnin his mouth sayin ish like "Dude is still Obsessed with my Wife. The same women who wouldn't let him get to second base with her 8 years ago". Come on now nick, why would you even try and start something with Em? Why? ((STRIKE 2))
So Eminem returned tha favor with a dis record called "Warning". Now i neva knew of any Rap artist to beef with a R&B artist, but i guess anything's possible. The lyrics were CRAZY! He def wasn't playin. Did you not see 8Mile? Do you not listen to his songs? He will def hurt ur feeling through his lyrics. he's a Beast!
Here's a lil taste:
“You probably think since it’s been so long, if I had something on you I woulda did it by now,” he raps on the leaked track, adding he has “enough dirt on you to murder you.”
Oh gee, is that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee?/ Wow Mariah, didn't expect ya to go balls out./ Bitch, shut the fuck up before I put all those phone calls out/ When you was wilding out/ Before Nick, when you was on my dick."
....and it just gets worse.
now i kinda think this shit was a lil harsh, but then again they shouldn't have been runnin their mouthes.
what do you think?
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