That's right all you Weezy fans and HATERS...Lil Wayne was released from Riker's Island yesterday! After serving 8 months in prison for gun charges, he was released on good behavior (his initial sentence was 1yr).
Twitter was going HAM yesterday with welcome back Weezy tweets and dedicated fans (including myself) desplaying their appreciation for the artist.
Its was amazing to see how connected fans can be with artists. Sometimes I don't think artists really understand the impact they have on our lives. A lot of fans, especially the younger ones, are very impressionable and tend to watch every move they make.
I also found it funny that we were saying welcome back, because in all honesty was he really gone? Weezy still managed to make songs and even appear in videos while he was behind so technically he wasn't that abscent from our lives.
Welcome Home Weezy Music Edition
So prepare for some more crazy beats, heavy hittin lyrics, and a weezy takeover on the radio
Once again...Welcome Home Weezy :)